Anthony Hughes MBE was a revolutionary. He could identify talent before anyone, and was determined and committed to ensuring people had exactly what they needed to be excellent.

Anthony had a successful career in parasport competing in athletics at European and World Championships, and the 1992 Paralympic Games in shot put and javelin, before becoming an athletics coach to some of Wales’ most talented and successful para-athletes.

His determination to ensure everyone achieved their potential through opportunity and equity were unparalleled and made a difference to many lives.

He taught people to cook, to take pride in themselves, to throw and run, to push and jump; he was creative and ahead of his time in so many ways, and he conquered his life.

The Anthony Hughes Memorial Fund is intended to add to his legacy, to do the things that the formal structures of sport can’t, and ultimately to make that difference which will change the course of someone’s life forever. He did this throughout his life, this fund is intended to do it in his memory.

Purpose of the Fund

To provide resource to, or for the benefit of, disabled people who need something to change their circumstance and put them in a position where they can continue with their sport.

In order to apply to the Fund, the grant would need to meet the following criteria:

Additional Requirements

If you are the recipient of a grant, you will also be invited to join the Disability Sport Wales Performance Pathway Hubs (if you aren’t already involved).

You may make multiple applications to the fund if you can show the difference it will make to the recipient’s continuation of sport

How the fund can be used...

To buy kit which means performance can be taken to the next level

To cover the costs of driving lessons so that an athlete can drive themselves to training

To support with repairs or updates to essential equipment for the sport

To contribute to taxi costs to get to and from training

To purchase cooking equipment which will help prepare healthier food